Annie Buckley, Now, 2020, handout photograph, 19x15x2"
Annie Buckley, Leap, 2016, handout photographs, 8x10”
Annie Buckley, Love Love Love Love, 2015, cut photographs, 20x20”
Annie Buckley, Day Night, 2009, paper collage, 21X10”
Annie Buckley, Rescue, 2009, paper collage, 20x14”
Annie Buckley, Wing, 2009, photograph, 20x30"
Annie Buckley, Wheel of Fortune, 2015, found object and photographs
Annie Buckley, Fortune Coat, 2008, coat and thousands of fortunes
Annie Buckley, Chance (flower), 2002, photo in plex, 24x24”
Annie Buckley, Goddess, 2013, photo, 14x11
Annie Buckley, Algae, 2005, digital photo collage, 20x20”
Annie Buckley, Enlightenment or Anethesia, 2004, digital photo collage in white box, 5’x4’
Annie Buckley, Cell, 2003, digital photo collagee, 24”x24”
Annie Buckley, Butterfly Chair, 1998, metal, mannequin, gauze
Annie Buckley, Cocoon, 1999, metal, gauze, wax