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Featured Project:

Kids Yoga Deck, written and illustrated by Annie Buckley, Chronicle Books, 2003

Kids Yoga Deck on Chronicle Books

Kids Yoga Deck Merch

What People are saying about Kids Yoga Deck:

"The poses have cute names - flower, star, mountain - that are easy for kids to remember..." New York Times, December 21 2006

"My go-to for witching-hour blues and lousy weather is the Kids Yoga Deck" Family Fun, October 2006

"Activities are designed to encourage creativity and questioning," LAYoga Magazine, January 2004

"Most yoga books are geared to adults and can be hard to follow. That's why Annie Buckley created the Kids Yoga Deck, Girls Life, fall 2003

"...engages bodies and minds to help youngsters build strength, flexibility, balance, and mental focus" Parent Express, 2003

The Breathing Bridge,
Written and illustrated by Annie Buckley
Published by Brighter Books, 2012





"Have you ever thought about what happens to each breath you take? The air molecules you are breathing in today could have been brushing against a tree yesterday; hovering over a stream two days ago; inside the lungs of a giant bear a week ago. There is no way of knowing where they were. So, breathe in and connect with the universe! 

This is a beautifully written and illustrated book for all ages. Children will love the colors and gorgeous scenery. It is a very peace filled book perfect for any busy day."
- Amazon reviewer, 2012

Once Upon a Time: Creative Writing Fun for Kids
Written by Annie Buckley and Kathleen Coyle
Published by Chronicle Books, 2004


The deck of cards for children and teens is a guide to writing stories with sections to help develop characters, plot, feelings, genre and more.

What people are saying about Once Upon a Time

"Great for story starters! It gives the students a wide variety of ideas to choose from for their stories. They really enjoyed the cards."
- Amazon Reviewer, 2017

"Gets young storytellers going….” Holiday Gift Guide by Lynn Heffley
Los Angeles Times, December 2005

"Finally a creation that sparks the young mind as opposed to the all the junk out there that dulls it or does all the thinking for you. "Once Upon A Time" is a great tool and game for the imagination. It has a cool design and it is something fun and family interactive for holiday gift giving -Smart. Thank you!"
- Amazon Reviewer, 2004

"Brims with inspiration", Publisher's Weekly, 2004

"A creativity boost is in the cards.." and "unlimited inspiration"
Dallas Morning News, 2004

"We just got this and both kids LOVE it!..." GoodReads review, and please visit this page for a full review.

Other Children’s Books by Annie Buckley

For an archive of children’s books by Annie Buckley, please visit Amazon

For an archive of nonfiction books for teens by Annie Buckley, under A.M. Buckley, please visit Amazon.

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